The sizes of your inventory items can potentially change for multiple reasons in between the three stages pictured below. To determine how much has been gained or lost during your inventory's cycle in SPS, several reports are available in your Reports Home.
A.) Purchased Size: This is the size originally entered onto your Purchase Orders when you are bringing new inventory into your system. The total quantity resulting from these sizes should match the amount your supplier is charging you for the items. DO NOT change these sizes if you are provided more or less inventory than you are being charged for.
B.) Received Size: This is the actual size of the slabs you receive at your company's location. These sizes are obtained from measuring the slabs, and may differ from the sizes on the PackingList. When entering slab detail info into the system, you'll notice two fields; one for PackingList length & width ("Pack. Len" & "Pack. Wid"), another for received length & width ("Rec. Len" & "Rec. Wid"). This received length & width will be the size your inventory item will have in your list of inventory.
B.) Received Size: This is the actual size of the slabs you receive at your company's location. These sizes are obtained from measuring the slabs, and may differ from the sizes on the PackingList. When entering slab detail info into the system, you'll notice two fields; one for PackingList length & width ("Pack. Len" & "Pack. Wid"), another for received length & width ("Rec. Len" & "Rec. Wid"). This received length & width will be the size your inventory item will have in your list of inventory.
C.) Sold Size: Between the point of receipt and point of sale for each inventory item, there are multiple ways an inventory item's size/quantity can change. This may be because the slab was never measured at the point of receipt, or because a slab chips/breaks.
- Inventory Adjustments: users may have the ability to change slab sizes by adding items to their cart and then clicking "Update Slabs" to enter new dimensions.
- Transfers: The ability to update slab sizes also exists when moving slabs from one location to another in the system. After clicking to allocate slabs to a transfer, editable text boxes appear listing the slab dimensions.
- Pick Tickets / Invoices: Slab sizes can be edited when they are added to pick tickets and/or invoices. Clicking "+Pick Ticket" or "Add Invoice" on Sales Orders brings up a page with editable text boxes parallel to each slab allocated to the order.
Find the reports pictured below by clicking to your Reports Home, then scrolling down in the "Products, Inventory" section.
Find the reports pictured below by clicking to your Reports Home, then scrolling down in the "Products, Inventory" section.
1.) Shrinkage Analysis: These reports list any negative differences between the sizes of inventory between stages (items which have decreased in size).
2.) Gain Analysis: These reports list positive differences between sizes of inventory between stages (items which have increased in size).
A.) Current: Both shrinkage and gain reports can be filtered to view the difference between Purchased Size and Current Size. This will essentially give you how much more or less you have of each inventory item in between the stages A and C listed in the above section of this article. Current size is variable; please see the above description under "C.) Sold Size."
B.) Received: Both shrinkage and gain reports can be filtered to view the difference between Purchased Size and Received Size. This is simply how much more or less you have entered as the received sizes compared to the quantity amount entered in the Packing List dimensions.