The Current Inventory Search in your system's Inventory Home will list all items currently In-Stock at your company. Distribution companies commonly use this search to find available items to be placed on hold or on a sales order. The search can also be used to find more detailed information about a specific inventory item at your company.
Various search criteria are available for narrowing your search. Type the desired criteria into the text boxes or click the drop-downs to select from potential search options, then click the "Search" button to see the list of results.
If there are products with inventory In-Stock matching your search criteria, you should see an overview of the inventory levels relative to each matching product.
In Stock: This quantity is the total amount of the item in your system. In Stock items are not necessary available for use on transactions, because they may already be tied to other holds/sales.
Allocated: If items are tied to transactions, but not yet invoiced, they will be listed as Allocated. Items can potentially be allocated to holds, sales, pick tickets, or packing lists. Technically, you can still use these on new holds/sales if you are able to un-allocate these items from their current transaction.
Available: These items are free for allocation to holds/sales. The available quantity should be the first quantity considered when determining whether you have enough items for a customer.
In Stock: This quantity is the total amount of the item in your system. In Stock items are not necessary available for use on transactions, because they may already be tied to other holds/sales.
Allocated: If items are tied to transactions, but not yet invoiced, they will be listed as Allocated. Items can potentially be allocated to holds, sales, pick tickets, or packing lists. Technically, you can still use these on new holds/sales if you are able to un-allocate these items from their current transaction.
Available: These items are free for allocation to holds/sales. The available quantity should be the first quantity considered when determining whether you have enough items for a customer.
To view individual inventory lines, click the name of the product.
The inventory list will expand below the product name, summarized by the grouping selected in the blue area above the list.
Clicking the grouping of inventory items will expand a more detailed list of each items under the grouping.